Ariel - Tiefling Sorceress - 10

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Ariel - Tiefling Sorceress - 10

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Ariel’s Journal

I am a Tiefling. For a long time when I was a child, I thought that was normal.

But now I know…

I was abandoned as an infant. I was discarded, left to die in the forest. In Mirkwood to be precise! Luckily, I was soon discovered by Uncle, I mean, the great wizard Radagast the Brown, who found me alone and crying deep amongst the trees. He rescued me and raised me as his daughter. He is the only parent I have ever known. My real parents are a total mystery. I think I must have horrified them.

I’ll never forget the day when Uncle [Radagast insisted I call him ‘Uncle’] gave me a magic hat. A ‘Hat of Disguise’. He explained to me how I looked different, how I might frighten stupid people. How they might hurt me! And we were going to see the elves! So, I made myself look like any other young lass when we went to the Halls of the Elven King. At first, I was afraid of all these strangers. What if they find out I am a Tiefling? But they seemed to know Uncle very well and welcomed us as friends. Uncle just told them I was his niece. They never questioned it.

The Halls of the Elven King are in the north of the Mirkwood. [The same place Bilbo and Company were once held prisoner] The elves keep a vast library there. Uncle and I would spend many hours with the learned and reclusive elves. There I learned much about Arcane Magic, Herbalism, History, Medicine and many other subjects.

Whenever we visited the elves, which was often, Uncle would constantly insist that I always wear my ‘Hat of Disguise’, but now I think the wisest elves saw right through that simple illusion. They all still treated me very kindly.

When not studying Uncle would send me into the forest to gather herbs to heal and care for the many woodland creatures near our forest home. To assist with that Uncle gave me a ‘Handy Haversack’. I would fill this magic bag with all sorts of herbs, nuts and berries and bring them home to Uncle.

And that was my life for many happy years. I loved the elves and the forest and all the friends I made there

As I grew older, an overwhelming urge began to grow in me. Maybe it was my infernal side but I constantly dreamt to see the lands and wonders that I had read and heard so much about. Uncle understood my longing, and with his blessing sent me on my way. He also bade me to keep the wondrous magic items I had grown up with.

Hat of Disguise
Handy Haversack

Uncle gave me one other gift, a trinket. He said it was on the ground near where he first found me. It is a piece of a crystal that glows faintly when in the moonlight. It is the only thing I have that might be a clue to my real parents. Today I keep this crystal on a silver chain around my neck. It is a mystery. Maybe someday I’ll know what it means.
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