1st Session
Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:34 pm
The Campaign Begins
Mark’s Email:
Subject: XP, treasure and audiences
All player characters receive 0.1 level for the audiences in Beorn’s Halls and the Carrock. Also, remember that you have one Inspiration, as well. Player characters on journey and doing battle receive an additional 0.2 levels.
GM Note: I will be awarding Experience by decimal fractions of a level rather than experience points.
Troll Treasure
The old troll carried his stash in his big bag with him because he could not trust that the Orcs, who might try to steal it his lair while he is out. He is greedy and wants to keep it with him. He has a penchant for shiny objects, with a peculiar liking for toys.
• 2400 gold, 2000 silver
• Diamond value 300g, 6x misc smaller gems value 300g
• Gold ring, plain (non-magical), value 50g in craftsmanship (a nice gift for a poorer person)
• Blue sapphire gem, magical (glows in starlight and moonlight). There is no enchantment on it, but it can be enchanted with strong magic. Extremely rare, value exceeds 5000g.
• Elven Locket: Milthril, ancient, First Age Elven made in Beleriand, locked, enchanted, spoken password or name to open. It was used by a High Elf husband to speak to his wife depicted in the locket, while he was out on adventures in Beleriand. 15 second voice message, 600/1200 mile range, fades beyond range). Its value is priceless. Its original owner is a mystery.
• Mirror of Vanity: Handheld vanity mirror, attunement, makes user appear younger and more beautiful or handsome with an 18 charisma. The mirror will try to attract a user to it.
• Small black box with a glass-covered hole, Dale “Coloroid” toy, two buttons one button to snap shot, other button to print picture on enchanted scroll parchment. It takes photographic-like color drawings using special parchment, 10 charges. It might be possible to obtain/purchase more Coloroid parchment from its maker in Dale.
• Talking Doll (Dale magical toy):
While this stuffed doll is within 5 feet of you, you can spend a short rest telling it to say up to six phrases, none of which can be more than six words long, and set a condition under which the doll speaks each phrase. You can also replace old phrases with new ones. Whatever the condition, it must occur within 5 feet of the doll to make it speak. For example, whenever someone picks up the doll, it might say, "I want a piece of candy." The doll's phrases are lost when your attunement to the doll ends.
• Mystery Key (magical), Old Dwarven make; The key has a 25 percent chance of unlocking any Dwarven lock into which it's inserted, maximum one attempt per lock. Once it unlocks something, the key disappears.
• Boomerang, one-handed, +2 to hit, range 60/120’, 1d6+2 damage, critical 18-20, auto-returns, requires proficiency practice.
(add these to your list of Audiences, if they are already not in your list. Audiences increase your influence with other NPC’s.
• Grimbeorn
• Legolas
• Radagast
Places/things of interest for future reference:
• Long Delve
• Willow Island
• Mountain vale mustangs
• Mountain vale herbs
The Bear that followed the party is nowhere to be seen after the battle and the Eagle flew swiftly north towards an unknown desitination.
At your service,
The following is the Email that Mark Send in conclusion:Mark’s Email:
Subject: XP, treasure and audiences
All player characters receive 0.1 level for the audiences in Beorn’s Halls and the Carrock. Also, remember that you have one Inspiration, as well. Player characters on journey and doing battle receive an additional 0.2 levels.
GM Note: I will be awarding Experience by decimal fractions of a level rather than experience points.
Troll Treasure
The old troll carried his stash in his big bag with him because he could not trust that the Orcs, who might try to steal it his lair while he is out. He is greedy and wants to keep it with him. He has a penchant for shiny objects, with a peculiar liking for toys.
• 2400 gold, 2000 silver
• Diamond value 300g, 6x misc smaller gems value 300g
• Gold ring, plain (non-magical), value 50g in craftsmanship (a nice gift for a poorer person)
• Blue sapphire gem, magical (glows in starlight and moonlight). There is no enchantment on it, but it can be enchanted with strong magic. Extremely rare, value exceeds 5000g.
• Elven Locket: Milthril, ancient, First Age Elven made in Beleriand, locked, enchanted, spoken password or name to open. It was used by a High Elf husband to speak to his wife depicted in the locket, while he was out on adventures in Beleriand. 15 second voice message, 600/1200 mile range, fades beyond range). Its value is priceless. Its original owner is a mystery.
• Mirror of Vanity: Handheld vanity mirror, attunement, makes user appear younger and more beautiful or handsome with an 18 charisma. The mirror will try to attract a user to it.
• Small black box with a glass-covered hole, Dale “Coloroid” toy, two buttons one button to snap shot, other button to print picture on enchanted scroll parchment. It takes photographic-like color drawings using special parchment, 10 charges. It might be possible to obtain/purchase more Coloroid parchment from its maker in Dale.
• Talking Doll (Dale magical toy):
While this stuffed doll is within 5 feet of you, you can spend a short rest telling it to say up to six phrases, none of which can be more than six words long, and set a condition under which the doll speaks each phrase. You can also replace old phrases with new ones. Whatever the condition, it must occur within 5 feet of the doll to make it speak. For example, whenever someone picks up the doll, it might say, "I want a piece of candy." The doll's phrases are lost when your attunement to the doll ends.
• Mystery Key (magical), Old Dwarven make; The key has a 25 percent chance of unlocking any Dwarven lock into which it's inserted, maximum one attempt per lock. Once it unlocks something, the key disappears.
• Boomerang, one-handed, +2 to hit, range 60/120’, 1d6+2 damage, critical 18-20, auto-returns, requires proficiency practice.
(add these to your list of Audiences, if they are already not in your list. Audiences increase your influence with other NPC’s.
• Grimbeorn
• Legolas
• Radagast
Places/things of interest for future reference:
• Long Delve
• Willow Island
• Mountain vale mustangs
• Mountain vale herbs
The Bear that followed the party is nowhere to be seen after the battle and the Eagle flew swiftly north towards an unknown desitination.
At your service,